Sunday, August 15, 2010

Introductory Vocabulary

Knowing art terms, even if midly, is a good tool to have. Here are some that are basic, but very important to know:

Aesthetics-the theory of the artistic or the beautiful. A compound of the philosophy, sociology, and psychology of art, no longer solely confined to determining what is beautiful in art, but now attempts to discover the origins of sensitibity to art forms, and the relationship of art to other phases of culture.

Achromatic- without color.

Anthropomorphic- Anthropo (human,) Morphic (shape/or form) is the attribution of human characteristics to non-human living/or non living objects--Animals, phenomena, abstract concepts-dating back to Prehistoric time. Egyptian gods such as Anubis were depicted with animal heads and human bodies.

Binders-are liquids to which the dry pigments are added, natural or syntethic. Substances such animal fats, oils, water, egg yolks, plant gums have been used to bind coloring agents.

Biomorphic Shapes-are irregular in form and resemble the freely developed curves found in organic life.

Carve, carvings-in sculpture, when a work is created from a single bock of material (wood, stone) by substracting those areas that not part of the sculpture.

Chromatic- with color.

Composition-the act of organizing all of the elements of a work of art into a unified whole.

Concept-a comprehensive idea or generalization which brings diverse elements into some basic relationship.

Content- the essential meaning, significance or aesthetic value of an art form.

Contour-a line which creates a boundary separating an area of space from its surrounding background.

Curvilinear-stressing the use of curve lines

Design-a frame work or scheme of pictoral construction. Synonymous with the terms form and composition.

Figurines- a small sculptural figure.

Fine Arts- those arts which need possess no practical function (painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, music, etc.)

Form-the arbitrary organization or inventive arrangement
of all the visual elements (LINE, SHAPE, COLOR, VALUE, TEXTURE.)

Iconography-the language of signs, symbolsm, images and pictures.

Idealization-A form of aesthetic distortion which consists of the representation of things according to a preconception of an ideal form.

Image-the general appearance of a work of art.

Line-the path of a moving point.








Post and Lintel


Stone Age



(All the terms used in this blog come from either a textbook or handouts given to me by my art professors)

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